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December 14, 2011

Herbs to naturally relieve and treat headaches

- by Debra Anchors

Herbal tea
The Holidays. You’re shopping, traveling, wrapping, cooking and wham! - a headache grabs you. A calming cup of herbal tea may be all you need for relief. Try these tried-and-true herb combinations, brewed with 1 cup of just-boiling water and sweetened with honey:

½ teaspoon each of lavender, lemon balm, meadowsweet - or

½ teaspoon each of sage, rosemary, mint - or

½ to 1 teaspoon of feverfew -or

½ teaspoon each of rosemary, marjoram, peppermint

This video will illustrate how to plant mint in the snow, reaping the benefit in a week or two.

Happy gardening!

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  1. That was a COOL video. I was wondering where it was going. So fun! The headache recipe sure can come in handy this time of year!

  2. Thank you much - I'm so glad you liked the video, too ;)

  3. Loved this video. I sure will be making these tea's. Thanks.

  4. Loved the piece on planting mint in the snow. Very cool -- or should I say very cold. :)

  5. This video was hilarious! I laughed and laughed.
    I shall never complain about the cold weather that I can grow MINT! ha ha

  6. Thanks for the great tips all year long. I don't care for snow much so I will get my candy canes from the farmers market. Someone else can grow them for me. :)

  7. That was awesome! Thanks for making me laugh.

    Happy Holidays!!!


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